Meet Caroline from Production …
My story with the camera began only two months ago. The first time I took hold of it, it took me at least five minutes just to put the battery in. Shana stayed with me and, with a lot of love and patience, tried to teach me. But I just couldn’t do it. No matter how much I tried, it just wouldn’t work. Five minutes is a very long time to put a battery into a camera. It should take 5 seconds… It’s actually very simple. After I had finally figured out how to do it, I laughed so much, but while it was happening I was sweating and ready to give up.
The next day was prasad day, and one of the residents asked Amma about being addicted to stress and worry. Amma talked so beautifully about how to manage tension, which was exactly what I needed to hear. Her answer helped me to see my “stress” vasana, my lack of self-confidence, and my belief that I’m no good with technical things. I had watched these old patterns in myself for years. But the difference now is that I know I have Amma. I know I’m not alone. She is with me. She will do the seva through me.
These days, I’m feeling so grateful for this seva and actually relaxed. Now I enjoy being behind the camera. Vinod, with all his videography experience, has been such a great mentor. In fact, the whole team inspires me every day with their dedication and loving presence.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to send all of my love to the online participants. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to serve you in this wonderful seva!